Saturday, February 28, 2009

Muffin Press Pass: UNC/G-Tech: First Half

Fantastic anthem: Holden Thorpe and a student affairs representative. Got a great crowd more pumped. Hey look, a hard foul on Hansbrough.

--15:43: The fouling on Tyler Hansbrough has gotten ridiculous. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if he goes on a tri-state killing spree. He’s having a great game, though. John Edwards spotting: Yes, he’s here again with his brilliant hair…and today he’s sporting jeans and a blazer. Even John Edwards appreciates the Canadian Tuxedo.

--11:03: Hansbrough will finally get back into the game after sitting in front of the scorers table for minutes on end.

--6:43: Hansbrough, travel? Nah, dawg. What a sicko. A sicko psycho. In other is G-tech so close? Why are they so close? I'm not having fun.

--3:36: I’m having fun now. They’ve finally managed to pull away, but we’ve learned to never take any lead for granted after MD. Hansbrough is on pace to hit the mark I projected. No big deal.

--Halftime: Finished strong. Girls soccer team is being honored at halftime for good reason…a 20th national championship. Just ridiculous. Great response from the crowd as well. And just so, I don’t give an update without saying his name; Hansbrough.

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