Saturday, February 28, 2009

Muffin Press Pass: UNC/G-Tech: 2nd half

--15:58: lots of play stoppages to open up the second half. The Heels are scoring in a hurry, though, so maybe I don’t mind it that much. John Edwards isn’t the only person in attendance worth mentioning this afternoon. Behind the bench, I see Melvin Scott and Damion Grant. Fantastic…where’s Byron Sanders though? Hansbrough

--11:45: Congrats to Hansbrough for the all time free-throws made record (907). That’s great, but I want the Psycho to go off and hit 40 in this one. Oh, look, the Blues Brothers are on the court. If they stopped that act, I wouldn’t be too torn up about it.

--7:56: I'm pleased that relatively few Tar Heel fans have left during this official timeout, but I bet the mass exodus will take place at the 4 minute official timeout. It's a little dissapointing that the lead isn't growing, but you can't get everything you want. I see Surry Wood is in attendance today and that's all I've got to say about that.

--3:30: Well, I’m sure we all have our opinions about the foul on Ellington. Just glad he’s ok. Hansbrough’s day is done. Looks like my prediction will go for not, but he still had a great day. I am more impressed with the fans now. They are not really leaving now at the 4 minute official timeout. Good for them. I’m sure the players and coaches appreciate it.

--1:39: The "Blue Team" will enter soon. Good game. I'm heading to the media room early I think. Yep, here comes the "Blue Team."

Muffin Press Pass: UNC/G-Tech: First Half

Fantastic anthem: Holden Thorpe and a student affairs representative. Got a great crowd more pumped. Hey look, a hard foul on Hansbrough.

--15:43: The fouling on Tyler Hansbrough has gotten ridiculous. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if he goes on a tri-state killing spree. He’s having a great game, though. John Edwards spotting: Yes, he’s here again with his brilliant hair…and today he’s sporting jeans and a blazer. Even John Edwards appreciates the Canadian Tuxedo.

--11:03: Hansbrough will finally get back into the game after sitting in front of the scorers table for minutes on end.

--6:43: Hansbrough, travel? Nah, dawg. What a sicko. A sicko psycho. In other is G-tech so close? Why are they so close? I'm not having fun.

--3:36: I’m having fun now. They’ve finally managed to pull away, but we’ve learned to never take any lead for granted after MD. Hansbrough is on pace to hit the mark I projected. No big deal.

--Halftime: Finished strong. Girls soccer team is being honored at halftime for good reason…a 20th national championship. Just ridiculous. Great response from the crowd as well. And just so, I don’t give an update without saying his name; Hansbrough.

Muffin Press Pass: UNC/GT: Pre-game

Let's see; first things first. The pre-game meal: Today we were treated with Qdoba's Mexican Grill. Not bad, but mostly forgettable. Good steak and chicken but questionable salsas and condiments. As always, I would have preferred Bullock's Barbeque.
-Now, as for the game. Georgia Tech is dead last in the ACC. If Carolina loses this one, they are obviously in big, BIG trouble. Tech has a couple of guys to watch in my opinion: Gani Lawal who is a fantastic rebounder and Lewis Clinch who was crucial in the upset over Wake Forest.
-Who knows what to expect from the Heels today. Coach Williams was calm and collected in his weekly press conference but obviously disappointed with the upset against Maryland. Williams seems to have put it in the proper perspective saying it isn't the end of the world, but he "didn't bring them ice cream and brownies all week, either."
-I love the 12:00 start. These use to be common place, but with TV agreements determining start times these days, the Heels are usually pushed back late in the day due to their popularity and talent. That's a huge issue in and of its self, but I don't want to get too far off topic. Let's just say TV rights and ratings are no excuse to make a student-athlete play a 9:00pm road game during the week. That's insane and absolutely shameful.
-Prediction (as if it matters at all): Carolina wins big...Tyler goes full circle in his career against G-Tech and drops 40 or more.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

UNC/NC State: 2nd Half

--14:58: Things are starting to pick up for the Tar Heels’ offense. The call on Hansbrough against McCauley seemed incorrect, but it’s no biggy. I feel like the refs should have stepped in and talked to the two, though. Carolina’s baseball team was previewed during the timeout, and got a good response from the crowd. Dustin Ackley and the rest of North Carolina will officially open up the Bosh Friday night. Wish I could be there.

--11:50: North Carolina can’t quite put the nail in the coffin. I believe Wayne’s mishap on that break-away where he los the ball over the backboard was huge. It would have put the Wolfpack down 61-46. I really don’t think the Heels want to give State a chance. This could get ugly.

--7:31: Rameses the mascot is engaging in some destructive action down front. He just gave John Edwards a hard high-five and it shook Edwards’ hair around. He was not happy. Heels lead 71-59. One more unanswered bucket and I declare NC State in big trouble….Thank you Wanye Ellington 73-59.

--2:51: The Big 3 have stepped up big time. Hansbrough got beaten on the entire game without many calls. Ellington and Ty were stellar again. I love that UNC has not called off the dogs…yet. Good game overall. 89-73 with 2:17 left. 80% of the crowd has stayed. It would take a miracle for the Wolfpack now. I’m heading to the media room to party with Roy and make fun of Sidney’s jacket. I respect him, but not his jacket…period.

UNC/NC State: First Half

--14:36: Internet is shotty tonight. This could be an abbreviated Muffin Press Pass. Team looks good. Ty Lawson is filthy. Tyler Hansbrough is un-yielding. Bobby’s 3-point shot is horrendous to start. We’re pretty par for the course right now. Where’s Tyler Zeller?...As for the crowd. They’re good tonight but I really believe the crowds vs. Maryland and Miami were louder…other than the response to Ellington’s 3 point shot off the turnover.

--11:25: Forget what I said about the crowd. They’re “on” tonight. I don’t know if NC State is going to keep hanging on or what, but it seems like they’re over-matched despite the 17-17 tie…Could be one of those games.

--7:41: Welcome back Zeller. These refs are definitely letting all contact go, but they’re calling EVERYTHING else. Hansbrough looks confused right now. Moving on. With all due respect, and I am saying with all due respect: we need better looking dancers and Carolina.

--3:26: State came to play. Must give them credit. I see John Edwards with his fantastic hair in the crowd again. Things must be slow for the failed presidential candidate these days. Man, his hair really looks nice. Coach Williams constantly says he doesn’t look at the score during the first half. He may be disappointed at half-time tonight. The Heels seem to be playing fairly well, but the Wolfpack is right there.

--End 1st: Good game on both sides in the first half. It was stupid to “not expect much” from State tonight. They’ve played excellent basketball the last several games, and their confidence is sky high. Vasquez was good, but if he’s all they’ve got in the 2nd half as well, I like the Heels’ chances. If somebody else for State steps up like McCauley and Costner (even more than he has thus far), North Carolina is in trouble. Nice moment at halftime: the first Eve Carson Scholarship winner was announced and well received; obviously. Eve’s death as well as Jason’s are still extremely fresh around here.

UNC/NC State Pre-Game

The pre-game meal was DE-licious. Bullock's barbeque was on tap and I for one was in heaven. Sat by myself and gave other media members the stinky-eye to entertain myself, and then promptly left after finishing my final hush puppy.

--NC State tonight: they're playing well, but I still don't expect much. Tyler Zeller is going to do something big in his first game back...I hope.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I've Got Your Economic Stimulus: Go GREEN (and I ain't talking about energy)

--I’ve got your economic stimulus right here. I’ve got the answer. And if this answer is wrong, at least everyone will be a lot mellower.

--Maybe you’ve already figured it out, but I think the way to come out of this recession (ESPECIALLY in the South) is the legalization of marijuana. First, think of all the jobs! Everyone is going to want a piece of the new “pot”-pie. Factories would pop up across the southeast like tobacco plants back in the day. Farms would pop up all over the place too. High schoolers and college students could spend their summers making money on the pot farm…nice. Also, believe me when I say this: once marijuana is legalized, lots more people will smoke it, leading to more production, more jobs and more money. The government would benefit as well...obviously…they would see to this. Instead of spending money on the war on drugs, how about making some money from the taxes on legalized pot? Taxes on marijuana would most likely work just like taxes on alcohol and tobacco; the government would benefit greatly. Now for you serious pot-heads out there who smoke the stuff that makes you as useful and mobile as a pet rock…you may still have to go off the books to get your hash. It will be kind of like moonshine is to alcohol. The “good stuff” may still be illegal, but hey, let’s take this one step at a time.

--The Great Depression ended in the winter of 1932-1933. The government just happened to end Prohibition in 1933…coincidence? Maybe, but it’s worth considering. The bottom line to me is that the legalization of marijuana would drive commerce. People would be pumped, would they not? They would be going nuts for the idea of legalized pot. Shopping lists would be able to legally read as follows: “pick up eggs, bread, milk, fruit roll-ups, bananas, light bulbs, laundry detergent, batteries, and pot…and doughnuts, and chicken wings, and cookies, and pizza bagels, and brownie mix, and more doughnuts.”

--Again, the bottom line is that the decriminalization of marijuana would create jobs at factories and on farms. It would relieve some of the pressure on law enforcement officers who are constantly forced by the government to fight in the war on drugs. It would cause more spending. Look at how much Americans spend on tobacco and alcohol. And lastly, I’m not happy about this one, but the government could tax legal marijuana, and they could get the hell out of my wallet with their other ridiculous taxes.

--Now, I don’t want to spend too much time on what I see as our completely over-bearing and over-active government because that brings up different arguments altogether…but I believe marijuana should have been legal all along. The government must respect our rights to privacy. I don’t believe it’s their job to correct our bad habits; they should instead turn to society and families to do this. The founders of this great nation had the right idea. They didn’t even think about adding a Bill of Rights to the Constitution in the beginning, because they thought it was unnecessary. A Bill of Rights could actually be harmful, because it would suggest that any rights not explicitly spelled out in the constitution were not valid. Folks, the forefathers of this nation believed the government should stay out of our privacy, and out of our lives. I’m sorry if you think that’s debatable, because it’s not. It’s also non-partisan. It’s history.

--So what does all of this mean? It means that our nation was set up in a way to give us maximum freedoms and maximum rights WITH maximum consequences if you can’t handle these freedoms and rights responsibility without imposing on the rights of others. With that, it’s time to look at some of the reasons marijuana isn’t legal yet. The main argument thrown back at us by senators and congressmen is that the THC content is higher these days…it’s too strong…it’s a gateway drug, and it will lead to more illicit activities. Stronger these days? Yes. Should that change things? I don’t think so. First of all, if it leads to the use of more illicit drugs by some, so be it. With freedom comes responsibility. As long as these users don’t impose upon the rights of others, it’s their business. If these users did engage in other illicit activities, then they would be arrested and put to trial.

--The Drug Enforcement Administration claimed in their 2006 pamphlet “Speaking Out Against Drug Legalization” that legalization of pot would cause more crime…they claimed this and did not at all prove it with facts or figures. I can tell you what I’ve seen though. The people I’ve been around who have smoked marijuana wouldn’t want to (and in some cases be able to) assault or harm a butterfly. Secondly, if they did commit more crimes (most likely the theft of tasty pastries and fried goods)…they would be arrested. So to the DEA, I say, you are all idiots. Something tells me, our law enforcement agencies could handle the “increased crime.” And I argue crime would ABSOLUTELY lessen if we legalized pot and other illicit drugs, but we don’t have time for that today.

--Another of the DEA’s primary arguments against the legalization of cannabis is that people would then use more cannabis…really? Guess what idiots? If, for some reason, hamburgers were illegal and then they were legalized…the usage of hamburgers would increase.

--Lastly, you should take this argument from me seriously because I am 150% behind the legalization of pot and I am not a user, just as I am not a user of tobacco. Alcohol? Yes I drink Miller Lite and occasionally I’ll pretend I’m John Wayne and have some whiskey...responsibly. I believe all three of these drugs should be legal and people should make their decisions as they see fit. It’s the American thing to do.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Muffin Press Pass: UNC/UVA: SECOND HALF

--13:19 left: Well, the Tar Heels seem to have a little more pep in their step to start off the second half, but it’s still a pretty lousy game so far. With Duke waiting for the Tar Heels on Wednesday I think the Heels have what I would like to coin as a “hang-under” waiting for the Blue Devils. 3-pointer, and one for Wayne Wonder. Nice.

----7:56 left: I am so flipping sick of “official timeouts.” Can you imagine how much shorter games would be without these ridiculous play stoppages? Oh well. North Carolina is starting to finally stretch their lead (58-40) but it is definite now that the Heels mailed this one in. Can’t say that I blame them, but we would all like to see more intensity, right? Hansbrough has had yet another solid game, and I hope he’s got more in store the final 8 minutes. However, it seems like the UNC offense is becoming more and more perimeter-oriented. Sort of unexpected in my opinion.

--1:15 and counting left: So this one is over. The "Blue Team" is in, and I don't particularly care about their exploits. I appreciate what they do, but I don't go nuts over them hitting 3 pointers. Lackluster performance overall today. Obviously, this wouldn't get it done versus Duke. Annnnd it's final: UNC 76, UVA 61. TO DURHAM!

Muffin Press Pass: UNC/UVA: First Half

--Starting lineups are being announced. The crowd’s cheering to choke out the announcement of opposing team’s lineup is really getting old in my opinion. # 1: it’s absolutely classless and pathetic. If there’s one time on a given day that you can show respect it’s at the beginning when starters are announced. #2: It’s pointless. Everybody does it these days so it doesn’t offend or bother the opposing team. #3: It’s Virginia we’re talking about. Why do we even care enough to ruin their intro? Tip-off: Carolina ball.
--14:52 left: Same old story on defense so far. Inability to maintain good ball pressure. Bobby Frasor has better hops than I thought. He just had that break-away lay-up and had some serious air to get over the defender from the left side.
--11:42 left: Disappointing start. At this early stage, it doesn’t seem like UNC is any closer to discovering “their identity.” Another great crowd though. I’m very surprised at how good the crowds have been for games against ACC bottom-feeders, Maryland and now UVA.
--3:48 left: Terrible. They’re sleepwalking. This is one of the worst halves they’ve played all season. Shots aren’t falling and the defense is…typical. No emotion. I honestly can’t blame them for feeling a little tired, though. The ACC powers that be should be shot in the nuts for their scheduling. These guys play at 8 or 9 almost every game and then they get a 4:00 pm Saturday start. Must be a little confusing for the body. That being said, let’s get it together for Michael Jordan’s sake. And with Dean Smith in attendance Roy may not be the only one chewing into these guys’ asses during halftime.
--HALF: UNC 33 UVA 25 Ed Davis has really been good for the Heels lately. Other than that, there's nothing to be excited for I don't think. Another offensive foul taken by Hansbrough towards the end. Maybe these guys will get it together. Quite a low point total. I don't enjoy that. Tar Heel Hall of Famers were honored at the half. Frank McGuire, Larry Brown, Roy Williams (in attendance), Billy Cunningham (in attendance), Bob McAdoo (in attendance), James Worthy (in attendance), and Dean Smith (in attendance) were all enshrined in the Naismith College Basketball Hall of Fame this year. Awesome.

Muffin Press Pass: UNC vs. UVA - PRE-GAME

--The pre-game media meal was catered in by Bojangle's. I enjoyed 4 chicken supreme strips, pinto beans, a biscuit and a cup filled to the brim of Bojangle's famous Sweet Tea. Most people at the pre-game media meal are with a group, and they sit with their group. I however, come alone representing WCHL. It's just like an elementary school cafeteria. People look at you like you have two heads if you try to sit at THEIR table. It makes me want to puke. Eventually, somebody is going to catch me at the wrong time with their stink-eye, and I'm going to throw Cajun Filet sauce right in their face.

--2:40 pm -Women's head coach Sylvia Hatchell is currently holding a press conference right now in the media room. She's addressing the upcoming Duke/Carolina game and insists that they are focused and ready. Coach Hatchell is a brilliant coach and fantastic person, so hopefully the squad doesn't choke against Duke. She also wanted to "pass along congratulations to Coach Pat Summit on her 1,000th win."

--3:44 pm: Miami just pushed Duke to overtime, but it looks they’re going to fold. Everyone in the media room has given up hope and made their way out onto the court for the Heels game. The Dean Dome has a different look during day games. Without a doubt, the lighting is better during the day with the canopy roof they have. It would be awesome if the Dean Dome had a retractable roof, especially on a day like today when it’s like 70 degrees outside. Unbelievable.

--Today's matchup: As we all know, Virginia poses an extremely minimal threat to North Carolina due to their inexperienced backcourt and inefficient frontcourt...Announcement: Dean Smith is at the Dean Dome today! He's sitting right behind the basket and the student risers section. I'm glad he showed up, because there's nothing else to really say about Dave Leitao's Cavaliers. The Heels just have to challenge themselves to play better defense. Tip off in 5 minutes.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Muffin Press Pass: UNC/MD- SECOND HALF

-11:17-As you can tell, it has been a pleasantly uneventful second half so far. It would be more enjoyable to me if the Heels were winning by 80 and had 130 points by now, but hey, what-evs. Ah, the Blues Brothers time-out show. I still love it, but it needs a new twist. I’ll be dog-goned; a new twist. Nobody got it, but there was a new twist. Do you remember the NCAA logos that Coach Williams kept complaining about last year because they were so slippery? Well the Blues Brothers threw down a make shift NCAA logo and proceeded to slip on it during their spectacular dunk-finale. Most people just thought they screwed it up, but I noticed. Good effort.
-8:12-Well, well another flipping time out by Gary Williams. And a full one at that. Yo, Gary, you’re going to get a timeout right after the 8-minute mark. Chill-ax bro. Seriously, chillax, or I’m going to come down there and pop that zit you call a human head.
-6:57-And there you have your official time out. UNC has 94 points with 7 minutes left…UNC has 94 points with 7 minutes left. How ‘bout that. Tyler just drained a 3. Some people frown upon Tyler popping 3 pointers, but I absolutely love it. It really says, “You thought things were bad up till now opposing team? Well take this. I’m ginormous, and I’m knocking down 3’s. Things couldn’t get much worse for you. Go home. Now.”
-5:06-Two break-away scoring drives in a row. Big slam from Ellington and then Ellington picked up Lawson's missed layup. Half the crowd is exiting as a Terrapin is fouled. For all intensive purposes, this wraps up tonight's Muffin Press Pass installment. Unless Hansbrough picks Gary Williams up and slams him through the basket, we're through here. By the way as I type we have 103 points with 4:26 left...We have 103 points with 4:26 left.

Muffin Press Pass: UNC/MD - FIRST HALF

-Warmups went well. The Heels are sporting their brilliant, new for 2009, Nike pre-game windsuits. The right sleeve has a checker-board pattern of Carolina blue and a darker blue. The left sleeve is solid Carolina blue. The front of UNC's warmups are simple and classy with a smal NC logo on the left breast. The Terrapins are wearing UnderArmour windsuits...of course. U.A. orginated out of College Park, and the company has taken care of the Terrapins for years. Stylish, but the black and red color scheme doesn't do it for me. They look like black widows, but not nearly as intimidating or freakish.
-The pre-game walk out ritual of the Tar Heels has taken on a life of its on. The Heels huddle right in front of the tunnel exit and proceed to yell and shout like rabid dogs. Perhaps it pumps them up, but they look foolish; just foolish I say. And to the Dean Dome PA audio crew: we don't need to hear this event at max volume in the stands. This ain't NASCAR; we don't need to "crank it up" here.
-I have just moved from my awesome seat right behind the basket to the upper-level press row. This was not because I was in the wrong seat or because I didn't have proper credentials, but because the writer from South Boston, Virginia weighs no less than 400's ridiculous.
-Game action! Ellington and Green are on...this is good. Do not fear the Turtle
-12:03: Tyler was just flagrantly fouled. Fear him. He will kill you. With his eyes. He is a freaking psycho. Well there's 2 more points for 'Brough. Why did Maryland think it a prudent idea to piss him off?
-5:05: We are on fire. I mean scorching. I haven't seen 3-point shooting this insane since I use to put in cheat codes on the "Double Dribble" Nintendo game. Oh, there's another one; atta baby Wayne. MAKE IT WAYNE! This is ridunkulous. I think we're 10-14 behind the arc now.
-End half: It’s just as disturbing to see Maryland throw up 44 points in one half as it is awesome that Carolina dropped 60. Oh well, let’s see what happens in the 2nd. Wayne Wonder scored 21 himself. What a man.

Muffin Press Pass: UNC vs. MD -PRE GAME

Welcome to the first installment of the Muffin Press Pass. Since I'm already covering the home basketball games for WCHL, I decided to cover them for MM as well. The posts will be updated while at the Dean Dome. They will be mostly non-informative and loosely fact-based...enjoy. First up tonight: Maryland comes to town for what I assume will be a good old fashioned smack down. I predict Hansbrough goes for no less than 27 points, the Heels win by no less than 20, and Gary Williams blows multiple blood vessels in his head, neck and throat area. Here we go...