Friday, September 17, 2010

Speaking of centennials...

When this web log started in June of 2007, I never thought I would continue a publication of such low acclaim and readership for 3+ years...

But here we are--on the verge of 100 posts.  This is post 98, and I'd like to thank some people.  
  • First and foremost, thank you Walmart.  Walmart has been a go-to subject when writer's block has judo chopped me to the throat.  My tracking system constantly shows walmart to be the most searched subject that brings unfortunate web surfers to this blog.  
  • Next I would like to thank all the un-American hippies out there that make my blood boil.  The pure anger and rage that hippies stir deep in my soul is enough to fuel my web logging for another 500 or 600 posts.
  • Thanks to all the psychos out there who have been angered enough to accost me via e-mail and blog comments.  It's good to know someone cares--even if they hate everything about what I do here.
  • Thanks to my friends and family for the hilarious suggestions and ideas you've thrown my way the last 3 years.  The most fun I have is when I'm writing about a topic someone else suggested.
  • Thanks to New York, Virginia, Texas, and California for keeping my readership numbers respectable.  The tracking program tells me that New York, NY; Alexandria, VA; Houston, TX; and Los Angeles, CA provide me with the most hits.  I don't know who you people are, but thanks for reading.  The people in L.A. probably view this site like patrons view monkeys at the zoo...They probably read and say to themselves, "look at this primitive creature using tools like the net web to express his backward ideas and offensive values."  The people in New York are probably just shocked that people in Alabama have the internet, so they check in all the time just out of curiosity.  
  • Lastly, thank you Microsoft "Paint" for giving me the ability to create the most fantastic photo-illustrations on the face of the planet to accompany many of my posts. 

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