What gets me is the fact that Bonds would have been a Hall-of-Famer without the single-season and career homerun records. 30 HR's and 30 SB's multiple seasons. 40 HR's and 40 SB's in 1996. He was well on his way to Cooperstown without performance-enhancers. And then all of a sudden, in 1999, Bonds forgot how to steal bases and he bulked up tremendously....Get out of here; Bonds is one of the most obvious 'roiders in history behind Brady Anderson, Jason Giambi, and Brett Boone.
Could someone please just get me the facts about Bonds hat-size from 1986 until now? His head is huge! Of course the s.o.b. is on 'roids or HGH. During the 2007 All-Star selection show I wanted to hit Tony Gwynn and Cal Ripken Jr. in the face when they tip-toed around the Bonds situation. They both said he belonged in the All-Star game, but both were visibly agitated at the situation. Why didn't they just speak their minds? I'll do it for them. This is what Ripken really wanted to say: "Bonds is one of the most obvious cheaters in baseball history. With the help of steroids, I could have hit 600 bombs to go along with my consecutive games record. Tony Gwynn could have hit 250 career bombs to along with his career batting average of .338. Barry Bonds should jump in his car and drive off of the Golden Gate Bridge."
And last but not least, let's not forget that Bonds' first wife accused him of beating her and their son. How much more obvious could Bonds' steroid abuse be?
So Bonds is a 2007 All-Star? Great job America.

keep preachin the word man. bonds is a fraud!!! players should do it the right way, like a carlos lee or lance berkman!!!
People should read this.
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