Monday, January 19, 2009

Notes: Congrats Barack, snow, etc.

--The Muffin Matters staff has received several complaints due to the lack of presidential coverage. On behalf of the entire organization, I would like to apologize and explain. We here at M.M. celebrate the election and inauguration of Barack Obama as we will any future presidents. Our policy, from inception, has been simple and straightforward. Here at Muffin Matters, we don't discuss political leanings, religion, or the inner-workings of the female brain. It's just better this way. Once again, we do congratulate Barack Obama and wish him the best.

--One thing I will say on a personal note is that we should all get more involved in local and state elections. These elections will impact our day-to-day lives more than the presidential elections ever will. This is not an opinion; it is a fact. I read it. On Wikipedia.

--Moving on, significant snow has been forcasted in the Triangle of North Carolina for the first time this winter. I for one, am terrified. I plan on buying no less than 5 gallons of milk and 10 loaves of bread. I am going to a hardware store, and I'm going to buy chains to strap to the tires of my Sentra. My roommates and I are going to install a fireplace in our living room, and we're going to buy 3 kerosene heaters. We're also going to purchase a generator for when the power inevitably fails. We're going to round up volunteers to check on women and children during this monstrous winter weather event. If you're older than 80-years-old, I have bad will not make it through this storm. As for the soon as one-eighth of an inch of frozen precipitation falls, the roads will become impossible to travel on. Stay home, and let the professionals that drive those news vans around travel the roads. As I mentioned earlier, we don't discuss religion here on M.M., but if you aren't religious, you might want to start being so now. 2-4 inches of snow people. Don't chance it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i know where you learned about getting involved in state and local government...from a little class called poli 42, and a lovely lady name Va Gray.