Monday, October 8, 2007

3,160-Mile Cross Country Tour: Part Three, Wrigley Field

Our party arrived in Chicago on Thursday, August 16. We stayed with Econ. Professor Jake’s sister and fiancé on the south side. Their place was awesome…a three story house with a great view of the city from the porch. In general, the south side was as advertised. Not too awful bad, but not a place I’d want to be alone at night. We all turned in fairly early because Friday was going to be a big day with the Cubbies playing at 1:15. Alex, Jake, Jake’s sister, and her fiancé also had a concert to go to Friday night, so we all needed some rest.

It’s interesting to note at this juncture that I had taken a cold about a day before the trip to Chicago. What terrific timing; I had only waited 22 years, 6 months, and 25 days to go to Wrigley Field. But, all told, the cold wasn’t that bad; it just kept my yelling at a minimum during the game.

We got up on Friday and got a bite to eat. Some of us had a couple of beers and then we went to catch the Red Line (train) to the stadium. The train was full of Cubs fans. They were all cool; no annoying people or jackasses to ruin the trip. When we arrived just outside of the stadium, it finally set in. We were at the most beautiful baseball facility on the planet.

Our tickets were for the bleachers. Let me tell you something about the bleachers. I knew...I KNEW people liked to party in the bleachers. I’d watched Cubs games on TV forever, so I KNEW this. I knew people would be drinking heavily and yelling. But somehow, I still wasn’t ready. If anybody knows how to party, it’s Cubs fans…In fact they might know how to party too well. These were some of the drunkest people I’d ever seen in my life. A friend of mine told me that someone would me for the score of the game around or after the seventh inning. I thought, “no way, they can’t be that flippin’ drunk out there.” Oh yeah they can. Some tool asked me the score, as predicted, in the 7th. I slowly turned around and pointed at the scoreboard…that was directly behind us. It was right behind us. If one were to turn around and look up, they would see the score, right behind them. But, the experience was awesome. Everything I had hoped for. The Cubs won 2-1…Jacque Jones went yard and Rich Hill pitched well.

After the game, the entertainment started. It was mid-afternoon, and people were absolutely trashed. One fella couldn’t make out the screen on his cell phone from 3 feet away. He fell once and leaned against a wall while my brother and I looked on in amusement. He probably woke up in a dumpster.

That was it for Cubbie town. We came back to the place and took it easy for the rest of the night. Chicago is what it is. It was really cool: fantastic dining, awesome sports franchises, it was pretty clean, etc. However like all big cities, not a place I would want to live. But I’ll visit again.

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