Friday, June 11, 2010

Google Don't Lie

 Google provides a free online website tracking service called Google Analytics to anyone whose site does not exceed 500,000 hits per month...I barely stay under that quota.  Anyway Google Analytics tells me everything:  the number of people visiting my site, the location of people visiting my site, the time they stay here, the amount of pages they check out, etc.  It also tells how they got here...This is the good part.

Most people get here through links from or Facebook.  A fair amount get here by directly typing in the address (awesome).  Many get here by Google searches, and that's where it gets good.  Here are just a few of the searches that led some unfortunate souls to this blog.  NONE of this is made up.  Seriously, there are actually people out there who searched the following topics.

"Ice Cream!" the man shouted, "come get your icecream!" - This person undoubtedly got forwarded to the story about ice cream truck turf wars.  And I bet they were very disappointed when they got there.
Muffin and female body part- Oh my...I will leave it at that.  This is a clean blog.  

Walmart ruined my life- Preach it, brother.  Preach it.  I feel the pain of the one that searched that.  It's like they were hoping Google could be their psychologist or confidant.  Not quite how it works.  I'm sorry.

Lady American Talladega Mattress- What?  I have no idea what the heck that is, but I want one.

if a person having cough and cold eats 6 to 7 ice creams a day then what can cause? - Who needs syntax or coherent statements?  This search was awesome, and I'm delighted this person got sent to my blog because much like their search, my blog generally makes no sense.

common muffin faults and their causes - The muffin has no faults.  Got it?

what if i failed walmart assessment?-  I'm glad you asked.  No sweat.  It happened to me, and just look at where I'm at! .............

walmart assessment test answers- Apparently that same person is now going to cheat.  Bravo.

john wayne ice cream truck song- Listen to me very carefully.  Whoever searched this, you need to contact me as soon as possible.  I don't know if it's someone out there playing a practical joke because they know my blog is tracked or what. BUT, if a John Wayne ice cream truck song exists, I need to know about it.